My oldest will be 7 years old come Christmas Eve. Yes, he’s a Christmas Eve baby, my first and three weeks early I might add. Pretty cool Christmas present if you ask me. We always try to throw him a party as early in the month as possible to try and separate the celebration a little bit for him. This year we had Julie from Nature’s Critters as our entertainment. She’s just wonderful; I highly recommend her!
Here’s an excerpt from her site:
Nature’s Critters is an educational live animal presentation designed to help kids of all ages better understand and appreciate the world around them. Naturalist Julie Allen delivers important messages disguised as fun and interactive entertainment. The children will delight in meeting and touching live animals and seeing them through Julie’s eyes-as wonderful members of our living family. Six to eight animals will be at your child’s party and each animal friend is touchable by the children. Every child gets their own photo with their favorite animal and the photo is theirs to keep as a souvenir!
The theme was Transformers…

Julie is so great with the children…you can see how much fun they are having!

Mitchell’s favorite was the frog…he loves frogs!

Megan loves animals too..

Cousin Chloe wasn’t having anything to do with it!

Cory was the brave soul who handled the tarantula!

(cup)Cake time

Group photo!

And of course the slideshow… Enjoy!!