I don’t specialize in commercial photography, but I have one client who allows me to be creative and take what I consider to be “beauty” shots of their products which keeps it interesting. Well my latest assignment took me to new heights, literally! To get the right perspective and truly show off their work, I needed to get high…real high. Like a few thousand feet up in the air.
So I hooked up with a FANTASTIC pilot who specializes in aerial photography. Cameron from Bay helicoptours has tons of experience flying and was amazing in helping me get comfortable and flying the helicopter just right so I could get “the shot”.
The helo was little, really little. I felt a bit like I was up in the air in a smart car with Plexiglas windows. The door was off and the only thing between me and the ground (besides a few thousand feet) was a lap belt. I was very nervous at first, but once we got to the job site, my desire for a good picture outweighed my fear of falling out of the sky (yes, I’m that crazy about photography).
Cameron grabbed this picture of me….can you guess if it’s a before or after?

I was in good hands (and feet)!

We passed a zeppelin on the way back. And as a word of advice, if you’re ever in a helo with Cameron, don’t call it a blimp….it’s a zeppelin people!! 🙂

Thanks Cameron for the wonderful experience.

what a terrific adventure & opportunity!
Your nuts…but that's why we love you. Your pictures are so amazing !
Love aunt Sherry
What fun!! Your becoming quite accomplished.